5% of our profits are donated every month.

We believe that it’s up to us to create the change we want to see in the world, that’s why we donate 5% of our profits to help those in need.

Donations: $45k+

Organizations supported: 62+

Choose the Wave that fits you best.

On-Demand Virtual In-Person classes

  • New to Making Waves Studios? Try 30 days of unlimited online access or 3 in-person classes in the Bay Area (NEW to the studio).

  • Ready for ONE class? Choose from virtual, on-demand, or in-person classes.

  • Save money with class packs. Taking 2-3 classes per week. Valid for up to 50-100 days after purchase. See packs below.

  • Commit to a routine and save the most with a membership. This is a monthly recurring charge; and a great way to support our studio.

Monthly members:

Your event/workshop can be added to our calendar & be promoted with our community.

Monthly members: email us to add your event to our calendar!

Some of the organizations supported…